Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Instructions for ordering the latest version of Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me in 2009

  • Happy New Year! 2009

    Let's remove the confusion in "09"

    It's partially my fault, but it seems that individuals are not always receiving the latest version of my book Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me when ordering online.

    Originally the book was self published in 2007. At that time the book was jacketted with a black cover that really spoke for itself. However, I'm not sure this cover conveyed the true message of the book. Yes, it portrayed the feelings of loneliness, darkness and loss. Truly how I felt and I would imagine others in similar situations might feel, but as you read the book that desperation and despair slowly disappears.

    In 2008 the book received a facelift and was outfitted with a new cover, a white and red cover, when it was published by Tate publishing. The newly published book with its new brighter cover, newly enhanced digitally created images and an additional twenty pages, shows and tells how so much has changed since marrying the blessing that is my wife Jane in 2007.

    By ordering the book from the "order book" page of my web site, customers can choose from any number of online vendors. Of course, the book is also available in stores nationwide.

    Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you enjoy my book. Again, I Wish You a Very Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year!

    God bless,