Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Instructions for ordering the latest version of Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me in 2009

  • Happy New Year! 2009

    Let's remove the confusion in "09"

    It's partially my fault, but it seems that individuals are not always receiving the latest version of my book Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me when ordering online.

    Originally the book was self published in 2007. At that time the book was jacketted with a black cover that really spoke for itself. However, I'm not sure this cover conveyed the true message of the book. Yes, it portrayed the feelings of loneliness, darkness and loss. Truly how I felt and I would imagine others in similar situations might feel, but as you read the book that desperation and despair slowly disappears.

    In 2008 the book received a facelift and was outfitted with a new cover, a white and red cover, when it was published by Tate publishing. The newly published book with its new brighter cover, newly enhanced digitally created images and an additional twenty pages, shows and tells how so much has changed since marrying the blessing that is my wife Jane in 2007.

    By ordering the book from the "order book" page of my web site, customers can choose from any number of online vendors. Of course, the book is also available in stores nationwide.

    Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you enjoy my book. Again, I Wish You a Very Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year!

    God bless,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A note of thanks to my new friend, Chelle

Hello Chelle,

I don't know where to begin__ your site is magnificent, the blogs are so helpful and how you have promoted my book Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me just takes my breath away.
Your site is so well done. I wish I had a fraction of the skill that you have demonstrated with the design and functionality that I have seen during my brief surfing experience this afternoon. My blogs are terrible. They are sad because they are all about making people aware of my book... it's the same stuff, over and over again. I feel I have let my readers down by dumping the same material on them in one form or another. The first post I read on your site was about how and what an author should post on their blog in order to avoid sounding like an amateur. what a tremendously helpful bit of insight I had come across. Thank you!

.....and then I look at what you have put together to promote my book and I am blown away. I mean, I was actually close to tears. You don't even know me and you did all that work for me. Thank you so much. You have shown the light, you have truly been a reflection of Christ.. Thank you so very much.

Please keep in touch and God bless,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chris's book release October 14 2008

It has been a good but crazy day. Today was my book release and there's so much to do. I wish there was an easy way to tell everyone that my book is available at bookstores everywhere and online. I need to plaster my web site everywhere, lol..........

New! Oct 14, 08 Release on Click Link Below:

Take care and God bless,

Monday, September 8, 2008

Chris's book release October 14 2008

It has been a good but crazy day. Today was my book release and there's so much to do. I wish there was an easy way to tell everyone thaat my book is available at bookstores everywhere and online. I need to plaster my web site everywhere, lol..........

New! Oct 14, 08 Release on Click Link Below:
Take care and God bless,Chris

Tatevosian shows readers how to better take care of themselves and maintain their important
relationships. Written in warm, compassionate prose, the book explores how a “poor me” attitude can destroy a relationship, and it shows how to develop a greater feeling of self-worth and self-esteem. This is a terrific book for anyone who wants to deal more positively will illness or strengthen a relationship.

“A real person, speaking right from the heart, and it touched my heart.”
-Rick Mansfield, Caring Coordinator, The First Congregational Church of Hopkinton, Massachusetts

Saturday, July 5, 2008

If I knew then what I know now.....

Though patients with long term ailments may lose their physical strength, their spirits and wills are still very much alive and do not need to be protected, they need love and laughter and understanding. And those of us who are ill must never forget to return this love as best we can. I hope this poem can help others understand that along with the weaknesses, we all have strengths. No matter our trials, we all may know we are loved but need to hear it frequently none the less.
Silence can be an unintentional yet cruel side effect manifesting itself not in the patient but in the ones they hold dearest to their hearts.

Love Beyond words

She slowly slips away from me
Her strength is almost gone
Yet there is no relief in sight
Her M.S. marches on.

This disease though not a killer
Indirectly does the work
It causes death from other things
As through the body it does work

Her strength of hands and feet went first
She could not keep her grip
Then as she walked through out the day
She'd often stumble and slip.

Her eyesight was effected next
A symptom that comes and goes
And that is just the very start
Of all her aches and woes.

But an unexpected and cruel effect
Is one you can not see
It is the subtle and evil pain
That has attacked not her but me.

At first I stopped our dancing
When the music wasn't there
Then slowly I talked less and less
My feelings I'd not share

Our smiles were then less often seen
Kind words too came farther apart
I seemed so wrapped up in her pain
I did not share with her my heart

I did not share my verbal love
Our caring touch was all but lost
Yes her disease had taken her health
But so much more I lost

My love for her has never changed
For her I'd give my life
She is my strength, my very best friend
She's my eternal wife

There is nothing I can do
To make her body heal
But our love I will revitalize
By speaking out just how I feel

And though her health will still decline
Our love will not do so
The eternal love that we still have
We will openly cause to grow

If a loved one has an ailment
That may cause an uncertain end
Laugh and joke and speak to them
For most of all they need a friend

Don't let the symptoms of their trials
Spill over on to you
Share your love each and every day
That love will get you through

Yes though the ailment may linger on
Always let your love be heard
Don't create the awful side effect
Of a love that is beyond word.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Recent book signing 6/27/08 Holliston MA

Tatevosian Book Signing
by Bill Tobin 6/24/08

Chris is the author of “ LIFE INTERUPTED, it's not all about me” a gripping heartwarming first-person account of his battle with multiple sclerosis (MS).
Cut-and-paste the link below to view actual article with photos:

He shares his early diagnosis, when he was a freshman in college, to the current stages of this progressive illness and his life in between.
Chris has suffered a lot, persevered and lost a lot, and it is all in the book. He married the love of his life, and by his own admission, his poor me attitude destroyed the marriage.
He authored this book to offer advice to others that are suffering with disabilities or hardships, whether as a patient or a care giver, and how to cope with emotions in these difficult circumstances.
MS is a debilitating chronic progressive illness for which the medical word is trying to find a cure. Chris has endured years of drugs and therapy, and now has found relief and improvements in his life with a treatment called Bee Venom Therapy. This is a form of alternative medicine that involves being stung by honey bees. Chris began this therapy in July of 2003 with seven bee stings, which resulted in his right foot, that was cold and blue, returning to its normal pinkish skin tone. That was the beginning.
As of January, 2007 Chris has had 12,310 live bee stings. This therapy is ongoing, and according to Chris, it has helped him tremendously.
Although this book is intended to help others in similar situations, his heartwarming and tender advice is appropriate to all in loving relationships.

Now the high school reunion story: Seven classmates of the 1979 graduating class came to the book signing to wish Chris well, and to share some of their own life experiences. Anne and I enjoyed this mini class reunion, as our son David was a member of this class, but unfortunately geographically he was unable to attend.

This unforgettable book is on sale at Books and Things, Coffee Haven and is available at the Holliston Public Library.

Editors note: The following has been submitted by Chris:

A book review has been posted at MS Visit the link below by cutting and pasting the link into your browser:
I could use your help spreading the news about this link to my book because is donating 5 to 15 percent of each purchase to the cause. “Life Interrupted, It’s Not All about Me” by multiple sclerosis sufferer Chris Tatevosian.

and when you click on the book cover or the Amazon link at the end, it links to Amazon to order your book and will donate 5 to 15 percent to

NEW! If you are on my blog, or use my blog below, you can order a personalized autographed copy directly from me using paypal.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chris's article appearing in MS focus magazine summer 2008 issue

Earlier this spring I had written an article for MSfocus magazine and it was recently published in the summer issue. My article, entitled "The Gangs All Here" is on pages 50 and 51 if you receive this quarterly magazine and you want to check it out. If you don't have access to the magazine, I have included a similar version below. Please let me know what you think it, and where it was that you saw the article.

Below that also new, the Easter Seal's organization recently placed a profile about me and my use of assistive technology provided by Easter Seals in their newsletter. Because, Easter Seals provided me with voice recognition software and the training to use such software, I was able to write a book and several articles designed to help others better deal with the stress placed on a relationship as a result of life being interrupted by a chronic illness.

The Gang’s All Here
By Chris Tatevosian

My marriage of ten years began dissolving when the “Monster” invited his friends to live in my house. If you have MS, I’m sure you’ve met the gang. There was the kingpin, Stress, his best friend Anger and his twin, Misdirected. Of course, Feelings of Worthlessness was there and his brother Feelings of Inadequacy who brought his best friend Low Self-esteem and his sidekick Depression, who hung out with everybody’s buddies, Worry and Anxiety. As usual, Communication was a no show, but sure enough his sister Miss-communication popped in and overstayed her welcome. They never left, but my wife did.
Sounds like the cast of a real nightmare. At that point of my life it literally was a real nightmare, and I couldn’t see myself ever waking up. MS can become a real nightmare destroying relationships between spouses, family members even friends. I wrote the book “Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me,“ a self-help memoir, my real life story of marriage interrupted by multiple sclerosis. It could have been any chronic illness or disability and it could have been anyone’s relationship. Still, this book is intended to help others going through a similar situation deal with the stress and hardship put on one’s relationship as a result of life being interrupted by chronic illness or disability.
I should’ve known something was up when my then wife and I went days without any real communication. I guess I did know. Call it being a dumb guy, but I was expecting a literal warning, an out right ultimatum. Something like, “Chris you need to change or Chris, you/we need counseling or I won’t stay in this marriage. Eventually the combination of this physically debilitating disease and my quick to anger poor me attitude was more than enough to make the difficult decision for my wife to leave come to fruition. This interruption to our once loving relationship had become too much for my wife to bear. Remember, it wasn’t just my then wife watching her partner struggling with his physical losses. No, it was also, and in my case likely more so my unintended compassionless and bitterly radical emotional changes and instability unbearable. Unintended or not my unacceptable behavior and complete personality change combined with my overwhelming stress, misdirected anger, feelings of worthlessness, feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, worry, miscommunication and depression, the “whole gang,“ just became too much to bear. I lost sight of what was important in life, that's why I wrote my book dealing with all the emotional turmoil that is thrown into a relationship that is interrupted by chronic illness.
I got remarried last April. My new bride, Jane, is fantastic. And even though my disease is worse off than during my first marriage I could not ask for more. So what’s changed? We truly have a wonderful relationship. Why is my marriage working so well now, even though my MS has continued to progress over the past eight years. I can attribute this to two factors. First, Jane is truly a special person, and second. I have written this book, which has afforded me the opportunity to slow down and examine my life. The obvious fact is, we have the choice to go through life dealing with whatever trials and tribulations we must, and we must deal, with either a smile or a frown. Yes, we have an affliction, but that doesn’t mean we have to go through the rest of our lives pissed off at everything and everyone, living in complete misery.
My wife Jane and I, we, laugh and laugh together and at one another all the time. Sure, I have slipped ups, get frustrated and angry. It happened just the other night. I became so frustrated with Jane during the middle of the morning. It must have been about 3 AM. No it was 3:17 AM, I have one of those giant digital alarm clocks for the legally blind. When I cae in the shin, among other places all night long BAD! Of course I have to deal with nocturnia, which means every time I wake up I have to empty my bladder. I take prescription Flomax so normally I can sleep through the night without having to get up to visit the bathroom. Needless to say, it was a long night and I was ready to scream at my wife, which I would have done in my previous marriage. So what’s the difference, what’s changed? The difference is that I have written, re-written, read and re-read. my book so many times that when I do begin to slip-up it’s so obvious that I can’t help but catch myself. And let’s not forget, Jane has read the book too, so when I slip up she’s quick to point out “Chris, I think you need to revisit page 76 “and we have a good chuckle. Remember life is too short, you choose whether to laugh or cry. I never thought I would get married again. After all, who would marry damaged goods? At one point prior to my marriage I said to my wife to be, why would you marry someone with MS, that is like buying a vase with a hole in the bottom. Her response was, maybe I want it to hold dried flowers. So these dried flowers are happily married and loving every minute of it.

Easter Seals profile May 2008

Chris Tatevosian was an athletic 18-year-old college freshman when he received a shocking diagnosis: the numbness in his hand was an indication that he had multiple sclerosis.
Chris went on to graduate, study for a master’s degree and work as an analytical chemical technician. But his medical condition was progressing at the same time and began touching all aspects of his life. Eventually, his marriage failed and his self-esteem was shattered.

As his condition worsened, Chris turned to Easter Seals for assistive technology that could help him live more independently at home. Easter Seals specialists Katrina Parker and Oren Kuhn improved his computer’s performance and installed an automatic door opener that allows Chris to open his sliding glass door from his power wheelchair. But it was the voice recognition software they provided that made the biggest difference in Chris’s life. The 46-year-old Holliston resident used it to write a book, called Life Interrupted, about his experiences. He hopes the book will help anyone faced with a chronic illness or disability to recognize and eliminate what he calls the “poor-me” attitude that often goes along with these conditions.

Originally published in 2007, the book is being revised and is due to be released in the summer of 2008 in print, audio and electronic form. Chris is now remarried and is grateful to Easter Seals for helping him launch his writing career and find a new direction in his life.

“Without voice recognition software, I never could have written this book,” Chris said. “It has allowed me to help people. I thought I was the only one going through these experiences, but I’ve heard from so many people since the book first came out. These problems are so prevalent.” The book has benefited Chris, as well as his readers. “Writing this book has increased my self-worth and self esteem,” he said. “Everybody at Easter Seals has been very friendly and helpful,” he added. “From Cindy Aiken, who’s in charge of the assistive technology, on down, they’ve been very considerate.” The Easter Seals services Chris received were made possible through a partnership with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Every Tues 2PM central blogtalk radio show "winning life through pain" has a new co-host......

Winning Life Through Pain with your host RSD coach Marlon Martindale and the Voice of Fibromyalgia, Crystal Dunn will be joined by me, Chris Tatevosian, who they have asked to join them as co-host, and I have humbly accepted the position.

Hey everybody
Join us to discuss reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), chronic pain, fibromyalgia or MS. Any chronic condition or anything you desire . Its open forum day! We can talk about Manny Ramirez hitting his 500th homer or the Celtics being in the NBA finals. Who’s from Boston? And, let’s not forget about my book Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me, which I will be selling for a reduced price of just $10 during this particular show.
Join us by clicking the link below:
On her web site, Coach Marla, the well educated host of “Winning Life through Pain,” her blog radio talk show, speaks with callers dealing with chronic illness of which she knows firsthand with a sweet, caring, bubbly voice and demeanor of a true Christian. In her own words she proclaims:
I'm Marla, your RSD Coach™ I have embraced and have been empowered by RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) since 2003. While we all experience RSD a little bit differently, but we all feel pain, isolation, unworthiness, and depression at some point, I know them very well. Using RSD Coaching™ techniques, I will show you how to break free and live your life to the fullest. This is not just for those of us who suffer with RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy), but also for those of us who suffer with MS, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndrome as well, because they all cause a great deal of pain and mental stress.
Blog Talk Radio Tuesday 63/08 . Here is the number: 347-324-5661, call in with a question, a statement, a joke or just to say hi.
Blessings, Chris

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Winning Life Through Pain with coach Marla and co-host author of the book Life Interrupted, it's Not All about about Me, Chris Tatevosian

Archived Interview and live discussion with Chris Tatevosian, MS sufferer and author of Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me

Hello everyone, The show with Chris from 3/25 can be listened to at anytime by visiting coach Marla's site "winning life through pain" using the following link:
then click on the Life Interrupted show that took place on 3/25/07.

Just yesterday 5/14 RSD Coach Marla, the host of her show WinningLifeThroughPain, asked me if I would like to be her co-host and I accepted. I will be her guest on Tuesday 5/27 at which time she will announce that I will be her weekly co-host. I hope you listen and please call in the show will be very informative, lighthearted and humorous, I'm sure.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

MS and relationships

New Book council's couples coping with the stress of chronic illness.
Life Interrupted-It's Not All About Me by Chris Tatevosian guides others with chronic illness or disability to control feelings of self-pity, worthlessness and diminishing self-esteem in order to keep their relationships strong and loving. A physically debilitating illness is difficult enough, Tatevosian strives to help others avoid allowing this situation from becoming emotionally crippling as well. Open, frank and filled with invaluable advice, this is a book for anyone who wants to deal positively with illness or strengthen a relationship.Back Cover TextChronic illness can strike anyone at any time. But long illnesses don’t just affect one person, they affect the whole family. Author Chris Tatevosian was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when he was a young man. Without realizing it, his “poor me” attitude, and difficulties with coping with the disease cost him what he felt was a marriage made in heaven. Could he have done something differently? Tatevosian shares with readers many of the destructive, relationship-busting behaviors to avoid as well as the helpful, healing ones to implement. He gives a firsthand account of multiple sclerosis, including the drugs and treatments which have been particularly beneficial for him. Stressing compassion and understanding for other family members, Tatevosian also asserts that his deep faith helped him through rocky times. By sharing his experiences, Tatevosian gives readers the awareness, knowledge and understanding they need to deal more positively with the emotional and physical stresses put on a relationship interrupted by chronic illness or disability. Warmly written and bravely told, this is a perfect book for patients, caregivers, or anyone looking to heal a relationship. “A real person, speaking right from the heart, and it touched my heart.” --Rick Mansfield, Caring Coordinator, The First Congregational Church of Hopkinton, Massachusetts.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Interview and live discussion with Chris Tatevosian, MS sufferer and author of Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me'

Hello everyone,
I’m going to be interviewed on the radio/internet on the interactive Blog Talk Radio Show, “Winning Life Through Pain” with coach Marla on Tuesday March 25th at 2 PM Eastern Standard Time. The topic: Multiple Sclerosis, a condition from which I have suffered for almost three decades and the resulting stress put on a relationship when life is interrupted by chronic illness. Marla and I will be discussing my book, Life Interrupted, It’s Not About Me, which is my real life story written to help others avoid making the same relationship destroying mistakes that I did. If this book helps just one person or saves one relationship it will have been well worth my literally making my life and open book. It’s not always pretty, but it’s real. So, please join us on Tuesday my 25th at 2 PM EST by clicking the link below.

On her web site, Coach Marla, the well educated host of “Winning Life through Pain,” her blog radio talk show, speaks with callers dealing with chronic illness of which she knows firsthand with a sweet, caring, bubbly voice and demeanor of a true Christian. In her on words she proclaims:

I'm Marla, your RSD Coach™ I have embraced and have been empowered by RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) since 2003. While we all experience RSD a little bit differently, but we all feel pain, isolation, unworthiness, and depression at some point, I know them very well. Using RSD Coaching™ techniques, I will show you how to break free and live your life to the fullest. This is not just for those of us who suffer with RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy), but also for those of us who suffer with MS, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndrome as well, because they all cause a great deal of pain and mental stress. is donating 5 to 15 percent of each purchase of the book Life Interrupted, It’s Not All About Me made through the link below to the cause.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Your occupation vs. your spiritual vocation

Your occupation vs. your spiritual vocation by Chris Tatevosian

I have written a book that I believe glorifies God. I have shared numerous discussions and held book signings at Christian churches, libraries, coffee houses and bookstores here in Massachusetts and my goal in each has been the same. That is to help those struggling with a similar situation as mine.
Allow me to introduce myself ,”Life Interrupted-It’s Not All About Me”, by Chris Tatevosian is my real life story dealing with marriage interrupted by multiple sclerosis. It could have been any chronic illness or disability or anybody’s relationship, but my goal for writing this book is the same. My goal is to help others in similar situations recognize and eliminate the growth of the relationship destroying the “poor me” attitude; which frequently accompanies chronic illnesses.
Much of this information within the book may seem obvious, but as I learned the hard way, the obvious becomes clouded when life is interrupted by chronic illness or disability. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis over twenty-seven years ago, when I was a freshman in college. The disease would eventually result in the demise of my marriage. Whether you are the patient, a family member and or the caregiver this book is for you. If by writing this book, just one relationship is benefited it will have been a success and well worth exposing my past, literally making my life an open book.
By sharing my actual experiences with chronic illness and divorce I hope to provide others with the knowledge, awareness and understanding intended to help them avoid making the same relationship destroying mistakes that I did by dealing more positively with the emotional and physical stresses put on a relationship when life is interrupted by chronic illness or disability.
So, how does your occupation vs. your vocation find its way to being the title of such an article you ask? First, we must differentiate between the two. Your occupation is what you do to make money…..your job. Your vocation is a gift that you posses which you choose to utilize to please God. For example, you may be a gifted artist, singer, writer or homebuilder whatever it is, it is a gift from God that we as people turn around and utilize to please God by showing others His glorious love at work within us. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about? and link up to raise money for the cause

A book review written by MS reviewer, Liz Thompson, has been posted at MS visit the link below by clicking on or pasting the link into your browser: and when you click on the book cover or the Amazon link at the end, it links to Amazon to order your book and will donate 5 to 15 percent to I would love to get this information about my book out to folks, so if you could help me by sharing the following link with others, that would be fantastic. Please put the information on as many web sites, message boards and individual's e-mails as possible.Check it out and God bless, Chris